Senior Project Manager Electronic Systems

Bachelor, Master
At Sioux Technologies it's all about putting the pieces of the total puzzle together. And we can't do that without you, a driven Project Manager Electronic Systems.

Sioux develops and produces state-of-the-art technology for the top end of the international high-tech community. Examples include a complex lithography machine, a compact electron microscope, a smart home automation system or an electric self-charging car. We raise the bar high and we often achieve the impossible. We do so together, as a team of enthusiastic electronics, software, mechanics, mechatronics and mathematics specialists.

Our Position

Your ambition lies in leading high complex projects with a project team consisting of the disciplines of system design, electronics and (embedded) software. On assignment for our clients, you and your team will develop complete modules or products, focusing on system design, electronics and (embedded) software. You carry out the projects for clients in the high-tech industry. Examples of the type of projects we do can be found here.

Your daily work consists of:

  • The preparation of quotations in cooperation with the account manager and the technical team;
  • Making project plans, and then following up and monitoring planning, budget and product costs up to and including final acceptance;
  • Communication with all stakeholders; team, colleagues, clients;
  • Daily management of the project team and ensuring an inspiring environment;
  • Monitoring the quality level and ensuring a smooth transfer to production;
  • Risk management and scope management;
  • Preparing progress reports, both internally and for the client;
  • Ensuring a smooth transfer to production (NPI) involving production in the development project in a timely manner.

Your future workplace

This is what we are looking for

You like to take responsibility for bringing your assignment to a successful conclusion. You play an important role in aligning with the client and coordinating between the technical disciplines and with our production facility.

  • You have a technical background at college or university level, preferably in electronics;
  • You have at least 10 years of experience as a project leader project manager;
  • You have experience in estimating and realizing projects with an emphasis on electronics development and embedded software;
  • You are pragmatic and at the same time pay sufficient attention to quality;
  • You know enough about technology and commerce to fulfill a good bridging function between client and technical team;
  • You are flexible and can deal with customer requirements that change regularly and at the same time find the balance between going along with them and sticking to agreements made;
  • You have experience in outsourcing production or transferring it to a production department. Knowledge and experience in the field of DfX is an advantage;
  • You are fluent in Dutch and English in word and writing and have good communication skills;
  • You have experience in working according to a project management methodology and certified processes. Knowledge of ISO 9001 and ISO13485 and related standards is an advantage.

This is what we offer

Our employees are our strength, and together we want to get the maximum out of it. That starts by offering attractive terms and conditions of employment that are in line with your needs. According to our employees, the personal attention at Sioux makes the difference. And that’s something we’re proud of. After all, to us, success is more than just a good salary. It's also about being appreciated, about being given responsibility and the ability to develop yourself.

You can expect:

  • Internal training, coaching and a large personal development budget of 6,000 euro per year
  • Varied work due to variety in technologies, markets and projects
  • Good salary and attractive fringe benefits
  • Flexible working hours of 32- 40 hrs per week in a healthy mix of working from home or at the office
  • An open culture focused on working together, learning and having fun
  • An innovative working environment
  • A pizza budget, so you can work on innovative developments in one of our expertise groups
Bist du interessiert?

Dein neuer Job in 5 Schritten

Danke für dein Interesse. Gerne teilen wir unseren Auswahlprozess mit dir. Nachfolgend findest du die Schritte, die wir durchlaufen. Wenn du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne an uns wenden. Wir wünschen dir viel Erfolg mit deiner Bewerbung bei Sioux Technologies!

  • Interessiert?
    • Sende uns deinen Lebenslauf und ein Motivationsvideo oder -schreiben.
  • Bewerbung erhalten
    • Einer unserer Recruiter wird deine Bewerbung prüfen und sich so schnell wie möglich bei dir melden.
  • Bekanntschaft
    • Wir planen ein (Online-)Meeting mit einem Sioux-Kollegen, um zu prüfen, ob es eine Übereinstimmung gibt.
  • Folgegespräch(e)
    • In Folgegespräch(en) tauchen wir in die (fachliche) Tiefe ein. In einigen Fällen wird ein Persönlichkeitstest Teil des Gesprächs sein und mit dir ausgewertet. In anderen Fällen wird dir ein (technischer) Fall präsentiert.
  • Beide begeistert?
    • Wenn wir beide begeistert sind, machen wir dir gerne ein Angebot. Wir werden das Angebot prüfen und mit dir besprechen. Sind Sie schon neugierig auf unsere Anstellungsbedingungen? Hier findest du sie für die Niederlande, Belgien, Deutschland.
  • Willkommen bei Sioux Technologies!
    • Wir heißen dich herzlich willkommen bei Sioux und wünschen dir viel Erfolg bei deiner neuen Herausforderung!


Datenschutzhinweis für Bewerbende

  1. Vor der Einstellung können Screening- und Hintergrundüberprüfungen Teil deines Bewerbungsverfahrens sein.
  2. Deine persönlichen Daten werden in Übereinstimmung mit den GDPR-Vorschriften verwaltet.

Nadia Ocnariu

Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
+31 (0)40
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